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Public records request

How do I request a public record?

Requests can be made by submitting a Public Records Request Form to the Public Records Custodian via mail, e-mail, and facsimile, in person or by telephone. The requested record(s) will be made available for review upon request within a reasonable time of the request, in accordance with State of Florida, Public Record Law, section 119.07 Florida Statutes, unless such record is exempt from public records disclosure. If the requested documents are exempt from public records disclosure, the requestor will be so notified.


Greater Miami Expressway Agency (GMX)
ATTN: Public Records Custodian
3790 NW 21st Street
Miami, FL 33142



Is there a cost for obtaining a copy of a public record?

Yes, pursuant to section 119.07 (4), Fla. Stat., if the requestor prefers a copy of the desired records, a reproduction fee of $.15 cents per page will be applied for single-sided documents (8 x 11 or 8 x 14) and $.20 if the printed material is double-sided. In addition to the copying fees, postage must also be paid if materials are to be mailed. If the nature or volume of the public records requested for inspection or copies requires extensive use of information technology or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance, there may also be a special service charge, in addition to the cost for copies and postage. Full payment is required upon pickup or, if the requestor prefers to receive the documents by mail, prior to shipping.

Public Records Request Form

The Public Records law does not require a requestor to provide a name or contact information as a condition of making a request. However, by providing contact information, GMX will be better able to appropriately and efficiently respond to your request:

Please be advised that your request will be handled in an expeditious manner.